There are several ways that you will be notified when you are matched with a new client:
Any time a new client is matched with you, you will receive an email notification. If your new client has scheduled a session, you will also receive an email notification.
If you use the Talkspace Provider app on an iPhone/iPad, you can opt in to receive push notifications from the app. These notifications will include events such as new client matches, new session bookings, session confirmations, and more.
In addition to receiving emails about new clients, any new clients will be displayed under the Send first message (new clients) section on your Talkspace Provider Dashboard.
Within this section, you can view:
- the client name
- the last activity in the room
- how long the client has been waiting for a message from you
- the client's plan status
- the client's plan renewal date
To send your first message to a new client, simply click on the row with their name to enter the client room.
Note that you will not receive clients until your entire profile is complete, including your bio and clinical information (license). For instructions on how to update your profile, check out the article How do I update my Talkspace profile?
Be sure to check your email and Talkspace account regularly (on the website or mobile app) for notifications.
To see a full list of your clients, visit your Provider Dashboard for the most up-to-date caseload information.