All information relevant your client’s plan, including whether the client has Live sessions (length and quantity), can be found on the Case tab under Plan Information.
Expand each plan type below to learn more:
For detailed information about Direct-to-Consumer plans and how they work, see What are Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) / Self-Pay plans and how do they work?
As a general overview of D2C plans, the plan name is generally constructed of few elements that tell you the basics of the plan:
- Type: Examples may include LiveTalk, Premium, Plus, etc. All Direct to Consumer plans include unlimited asynchronous messaging.
- Version: The version is represented by a v for example, v3 means Version 3.
- Renewal Rate: The words monthly, quarterly, or biannually refer to how often the plan renews.
Live Sessions: If Live sessions are included in the plan, they will appear in parentheses. For example, if you see (1x30min Session) this indicates the plan includes one 30 minute Live session.
- Some clients with messaging-only plans may have a Live session credit available, depending on state regulations for teletherapy. Clients may also choose to purchase ad-hoc Live session credits. To check whether your client has Live Session credits available, see How can I find out how many Live session credits my client has?
D2C Plan Example
A client on the plan Plus_v4 Monthly will have unlimited asynchronous messaging, will renew their plan every two years, and will not have Live sessions included. All relevant information will be provided under Plan Information.
For detailed information about Direct-to-Employer (DTE) plans and how they work, see What are Direct-to-Employer (DTE) plans and how do they work?
Direct To Employer (DTE) plans are plans that are sponsored by a company or organization (separate from insurance), that provide coverage for services for a set amount of time (typically 3 months or 6 months).
DTE plan names will typically indicate the company or organization associated with the plan, as well as whether or not messaging is included, and the number of Live Sessions if applicable. The Plan Information will indicate the number of Live Sessions included, if applicable. If Asynchronous Messaging is included, it is unlimited until the plan expires.
Plan Information may include more fields for Managed Care plans, including Partner Name and Employer Name and whether psychiatry, dependents, and clients under 18 are covered.
For detailed information about Employee Assistance Program (EAP) plans and how they work, see What are Employee Assistance Program (EAP) plans and how do they work?
EAP plans are company-subsidized mental health services designed to give employees short-term, solution-focused care. For clients on EAP plans, the Plan Information will include the number of sessions included, and will update to indicate how many sessions have been completed.
For detailed information about Behavioral Health (BH) plans and how they work, see What are Behavioral Health (BH) plans and how do they work?
Behavioral Health (BH) treatment provides full assessment and diagnosis of mental health conditions. These plans mimic what you may find in traditional private practice in which clients use insurance.
The Plan Information will not show the total number of sessions included because BH plans are unlimited - the client may continue to schedule Live Video sessions as long as they are covered by their plan. Instead, under Live Sessions, you will see the length of Live Session included in the client's plan (30 min, 45 min, or 60 min). The number of BH sessions will indicate how many sessions have been completed.